ArcoLinux v22.12

ArcoLinux v22.12: many new desktops have arrived. New desktop CHADWM – TWM. We have also added the desktop Chadwm to the list in the ArcoLinux Tweak Tool. There is an ArcoLinuxB iso for it i.e. ArcoLinuxB Chadwm or you install the package manually. We have added the desktop Pantheon to the list in the ArcoLinux Tweak Tool. There is also an ArcoLinuxB iso for it i.e. ArcoLinuxB Pantheon. We have added the desktop Berry to the list in the ArcoLinux Tweak Tool.There is no ArcoLinuxB iso for it. We have added the desktop Worm to the list in the ArcoLinux Tweak Tool.There is no ArcoLinuxB iso for it. We have created an iso for Enlightenment. The holdup now we realize was Wayland. Official announcement Download ArcoLinux
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