GnoppixNG 24.1.15

Gnoppix 24.1.15 marks a significant shift from being solely a liveCD to introducing a new installation experience using the Calamares installer, simplifying the installation process and allowing users to specify partition layouts. The XFCE edition incorporates version 4.18 with various updated applications, including Mousepad 0.6.1, Thunar 4.18.6, and Linux Kernel 6.6.11. The desktop layout features a bottom panel and Whiskermenu, using the Qogir GTK theme and Papirus icon theme for a modern appearance. Noteworthy additions include Blueman for Bluetooth, a completed Gnoppix AI installer, and routing internet traffic through the Tor network for enhanced privacy. The release also bundles Tor browser, OnionShare, Ricochet, Sweeper, VeraCrypt, and the Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit to bolster security and privacy features. Official announcement Download GnoppixNG
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