MX Linux 23.1

We are pleased to offer MX Linux 23.1 for your use. MX 23.1 is the first refresh of our MX 23 release, consisting of bug fixes, kernel and application updates since our original release of MX 23. If you are already running MX 23, there is no need to reinstall. Packages are all available through the regular update channel. Highlights include: Debian 12.2 'Bookworm' base; new and updated applications. Some highlights include: installer updates addressing swap file, hibernation and OEM install improvements; the KDE release features an updated sddm init script that eliminates the 'restart' of sddm on SySVInit boot; the AHS Xfce release features the 6.5 kernel, updated firmware and MESA libraries; Fluxbox has a new key binding reference script displaying default hotkeys. Official announcement Download MX Linux
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