KaOS 2023.11

KaOS 2023.11 has been released, marking the final Plasma 5 release for the distribution. This release emphasizes the transition to Qt6/kf6/Plasma 6 as the future direction for development, with a Plasma 6 Alpha ISO available for exploration. Significant updates include a move to OpenSSL 3.1.4, updated Glib2 2.78.1, LLVM/Clang 17.0.4, and a kernel upgrade to Linux 6.5.11. SDDM 0.20.0 now offers Wayland mode, and the automated partitioning option in the Calamares installer supports various filesystems. The KaOS-specific IsoWriter tool allows for writing ISO files to USB with integrity verification. LibreOffice replaces Calligra as the default office application. The release also features custom themes and various enhancements for a smoother user experience. Official announcement Download KaOS
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