KaOS 2023.04

April 2013 is when KaOS started, a nice way to celebrate ten years of KaOS is by releasing KaOS 2023.04. Not only is there a new stable ISO released, but to look forward to the next ten years, there is also a Plasma 6 preview ISO available. This ISO is not installable, only meant to test in Live mode. The installer Calamares is not ready for Qt 6/Plasma 6, nor are there many KDE Applications available in their Qt6 version. Plasma 6 This ISO is only linked in the News item, not available from the Download page. Autologin is not enabled, since it varies greatly, depending on hardware whether X or Wayland is the better session. So, sddm will show you an empty username. Login name & password are live/live. Download Plasma 6 ISO. Official announcement Download KaOS
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