Armbian 22.08

Kernel and u-boot upgrade to latest upstream versions (2022.07 and 5.15.y / 5.19.y LTS). New Rockchip RK3588 Rock 5b WIP target. Enabled additional code security analysis. Improved kernel and u-boot upgrade testing, which can now run even on every commit to the code base. Enabled automated build processes to regenerate community supported images weekly. Improved documentation for board maintainers and developers. Official announcement Download Armbian
Other releases
Number Codename Date
22.08 2022-08-30 00:00:00
23.02 Quoll 2023-03-02 00:00:00
23.05 Suni 2023-05-31 00:00:00
23.8 Colobus 2023-09-02 00:00:00
23.11 2023-11-30 00:00:00
24.2.1 2024-02-23 00:00:00
24.5.1 2024-05-27 00:00:00

I have implemented Armbian 22.08.1 on my PineBookPro. I use Ubuntu 20.04 on another laptop and am quite happy with the Ubuntu user interface and would like to replicate it on the PineBookPro. On my PineBookPro Armbian seems to work fine including wifi, but I have been unable to find any brcm drivers that allow the bluetooth to start or connect. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Carl

Carl Kohn - 2022-11-20 21:34:13

3 stars

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