Determine group membership of users faster: The group membership of a user in UCS is now conveyed via the 'memberof' attribute of the user. This means you no longer have to search across all groups for a user but can access a cache on the user object that contains this information. This considerably speeds up the search for group membership. Synchronisation of password history: With the new UCS version, to prevent the use of passwords that have already been used, a user's passwords that have been used in the past are stored in a history. For this purpose, UCS saves hashes of the passwords in the history. In the past, the history was saved individually by the system that processes the password change - this can be OpenLDAP (for changes via UDM and Kerberos), Samba4 (for changes via desktop systems in the UCS domain) or Active Directory (when using the AD connector). From now on, these different histories will be synchronised, so it doesn't matter which system the user changes their password on since the same overarching password history now applies.
Official announcement
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