TUXEDO OS 2 finished and ready for use. The version impresses with consistent continuation of development work. This includes the latest version 5.27.1 of Plasma Desktop as well as the current Linux kernel 6.1 with long-term support. Further innovations are: KDE Applications 22.12.2, KDE Frameworks 5.103.0, Mesa graphics stack 22.3.6, Firefox 110.0, PipeWire audio 0.3.66, Qt libraries 5.15.8; functional settings for a desktop firewall; extended range of functions of TUXEDO Autorepair. The new version of TUXEDO OS is automatically installed via continuously provided updates. There is no need to back up data or go through a lengthy installation process. TUXEDO OS has a hybrid release model consisting of rolling and point releases, the classic versioning model. Official announcement Download TUXEDO OS
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Number Codename Date
2 2023-02-24 00:00:00
3 2024-05-10 00:00:00

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