The SpiralLinux 12.231120 release, based directly on Debian 12, introduces several enhancements and updates. Notable changes include the inclusion of Linux kernel 6.5 from Debian Backports for improved hardware support, compatibility with non-English locale settings on Debian Testing or Unstable, and the resolution of issues related to hibernation on installations with LUKS encrypted swap partitions. The release also adopts systemd-timesyncd over chrony as recommended by Debian and adjusts vm.swappiness to the default Debian value. Hyper-V guest support is now seamless, addressing a Debian bug, and the Gnome edition features the Tiling Assistant extension enabled by default. Importantly, the release advises against using Rufus, LinuxLive USB Creator (LiLi), Ventoy, and Unetbootin for creating bootable USB devices. Existing SpiralLinux installations can be upgraded to the latest Debian release using graphical instructions provided on the official SpiralLinux website.
Official announcement
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