SparkyLinux 7.0.1

Sparky 7.0.1, released on July 27, 2023, brings a minor update to the stable line. The main fix addresses an issue in the live configuration that previously prevented password-required applications like Calamares, APTus, GParted, and Gufw from launching in the live session without a password. Now, these apps can be launched without a password in the live session, excluding MinimalGUI i686. Additionally, all packages have been upgraded from Debian and Sparky stable repositories, including all updates up to June 26, 2023, which incorporates Debian 12.1 updates. If you already have Sparky 7 installed, there's no need for reinstallation; simply keep Sparky up to date. To download the new ISO images, visit the download/stable page. The live user password is "live." Official announcement Download SparkyLinux
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