SparkyLinux 2023.07

Sparky 2023.07 is the latest update of the Sparky rolling iso images, released on July 17, 2023, by pavroo. This version is built on Linux kernel 6.3 and includes updated packages from both the Debian 'trixie' and Sparky 'sisters' testing repositories. Notable features and updates include the inclusion of Linux kernel 6.3.7, the addition of the new Debian repo 'non-free-firmware', the ability to boot the live iso with Secure Boot enabled, and updated software versions such as Firefox 102.13.0 ESR, Thunderbird 102.13.0, Openbox 3.6.1-10, LXQt 1.2.0, Xfce 4.18, MATE 1.26.0, KDE Plasma 5.27.0, LibreOffice 7.4.5, Python 3.11.4, and GCC 12.3.0. Several improvements and changes have been made to the iso images, including the removal of i386 architecture support, the replacement of xscreensaver with sparky-locker in certain environments, the addition of Linux kernel 6.1 ESR to Sparky kernel installation, new artwork, and the installation of lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings tool for easy configuration of lightdm. The release note also provides instructions on how to address the default execution of 'os-prober' and how to upgrade from Sparky 7 stable to the semi-rolling version. The live user password is 'live', and the Sparky 2023.07 amd64 iso images are available in different versions such as LXQt, KDE Plasma, MATE, Xfce, MinimalGUI (Openbox), and MinimalCLI (text mode). The updated iso images can be obtained from the SparkyLinux website's download page. Official announcement Download SparkyLinux
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