Network Security Toolkit 38-13644

We are pleased to announce the latest NST release NST 38 SVN:13644. This release is based on Fedora 38 using Linux kernel 6.3.12. This release brings the NST distribution on par with Fedora 38. This is mostly a maintenance release with improved NST WUI functionality. Below is a summary of the feature improvements included in this release: Access to the Open Vulnerability Assessment Scanner (OpenVAS) and Greenbone Vulnerability Management (GVM) has been refactored to run as a docker container providing the full-featured vulnerability scanner. The latest Greenbone Community Edition container is used. An acceleration overlay and control was added to the geolocation of Dash Cam videos. NST Map Data Layer - Dash Cam Track With Acceleration Overlay. The NST WUI ARP Scan has been enhanced to support the configured Name Service (NS) switch hosts resolver. Official announcement Download Network Security Toolkit
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Number Codename Date
36-13232 2022-07-11 00:00:00
38-13644 2023-07-24 00:00:00
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