Network Security Toolkit 36-13232

This distribution's latest release updates networking tools, places OpenVAS in a podman container, and retires the WUI sidebar navigation menu. "Access to the Open Vulnerability Assessment Scanner (OpenVAS) and Greenbone Vulnerability Management (Greenbone GVM) has been refactored to run as a podman container providing the full-featured vulnerability scanner. See the graphic below: NST WUI page for the OpenVAS / GVM scanner. Added a Round Trip Time (RTT) column to the NST WUI ARP Scan application. In addition, most options are now supported and better documentation has been provided. An article on NST WUI ARP Scan usage can be found here. Now supporting underscore scoped DNS Node Leaf Attribute Names in the NST WUI dig application (e.g., Added a NIC selection control to the embedded IPv4, IPv6 and Host Name widget. The legacy NST WUI sidebar navigation menu has been retired.
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