Kali Linux 2024.2

Roughly every half-year, there is a new version bump for the GNOME desktop environment. Of which, Kali 2024.2 brings the latest version, GNOME 46. As you would expect, this is a more polished experience following the work introduced in previous versions. All themes and extensions have been updated to support the new shell. Xfce desktop changes: We are excited to announce updates to the Xfce desktop, specifically for Kali-Undercover and HiDPI modes. These updates enhance stability and include several minor bug fixes, ensuring better support for the latest desktop improvements. New tools in Kali: There has not been a single Kali release without any new shiny tools added, and this release is no exception. We are overjoyed that there have been multiple tools packaged up from the community, which are now in Kali too! Official announcement Download Kali Linux
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2024.1 2024-02-28 00:00:00
2024.2 2024-06-05 00:00:00

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