ExTiX 23.11 LXQt, Build 231123, is the latest release of the ExTiX Linux system, based on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Long Term Support). Noteworthy features include a lightweight LXQt 1.4 desktop environment, a reduced ISO file size of 2050 MB for efficient RAM usage, and the inclusion of Calamares Installer alongside the existing Refracta Installer. Users can easily create their live installable Ubuntu system while running the system from DVD/USB or the hard drive, thanks to the pre-installed Refracta Snapshot. Other updates include a new kernel (6.6.1-amd64-exton), the replacement of Ubuntu's Ubiquity installer with Refracta Installer, and the ability to run ExTiX in full screen in VirtualBox. The release also emphasizes the option to use Refracta Snapshot for creating a customized Ubuntu 24.04 Live System after installing ExTiX to the hard drive. Additionally, the system utilizes NetworkManager instead of Wicd for improved network connections. ExTiX 23.11 targets users who appreciate cutting-edge software, with the underlying Ubuntu version being pre-stable but generally stable in practice.
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