Br OS 24.10

This is a regular version that aims to introduce new technologies to the system and the latest news is the introduction of KDE 6 which was responsible for this version coming with some features and design elements missing, since such features are still under development or have not yet been ported to Qt 6. With KDE Plasma 6 comes Qt 6, which opens up a huge range of possibilities for new features that will come gradually in the new versions of the system, now Br OS comes with Wayland by default, which is fully functional in KDE 6 a great news for KDE haters who complained about its instability (which made Br OS adopt Latte Dock to get around the problem), is that KDE 6 is incredibly stable, surpassing GNOME and other very solid environments, unfortunately the look of KDE 6 is very strange if you try to start the section via X.Org, however this should be fixed in future versions of KDE. This version comes with KDE Plasma 6.1.5, KDE Framework 6.6.0, Qt 6.6.2, Linux kernel 6.11, Wayland standard graphic server (X.Org as an alternative). Official announcement Download Br OS
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