Following these last months of alpha and beta testing, we are glad to announce the release of YunoHost 11.0, running on Debian 11 'Bullseye'. This comes along with the latest version of the 4.4 series which includes a Buster-to-Bullseye migration tool to upgrade as simply as possible. Versions 4.x are not expected to receive any upgrades any more (except for important security fixes or migration fixes). Changelog: various tweaks for Python 3.9, PHP 7.4, PostgreSQL 13 and other changes related to Buster-to-Bullseye ecosystem; moved MySQL, PHP and Metronome from 'Depends' to 'Recommends'; apt - add sury by default; MySQL - drop super old MySQL configuration, it now relies on Debian's default; regenconf/helpers - better integration for PostgreSQL; rework repository code architecture; rework where YunoHost files are deployed; try to implement a smarter self-upgrade mechanism to prevent/limit API downtime and related UX issues....
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