The Xubuntu team is happy to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 24.10. Xubuntu 24.10, code-named Oracular Oriole, is a regular release and will be supported for 9 months, until July 2025. Xubuntu 24.10 features the latest updates from Xfce 4.19, GNOME 47 and MATE 1.26. For Xfce enthusiasts, you'll appreciate the new features and improved hardware support found in Xfce 4.19. Xfce 4.19 is the development series for the next release, Xfce 4.20, due later this year. As pre-release software, you may encounter more bugs than usual. Users seeking a stable, well-supported environment should opt for Xubuntu 24.04 instead. Highlights: Xfce 4.19 is included as a development preview of the upcoming Xfce 4.20, it features early Wayland support and improved scaling; GNOME 47 apps, including Disk Usage Analyzer and Sudoku, include a refreshed appearance and usability improvements.
Official announcement
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