Void Linux 20250202

This release introduces support for several arm64 UEFI devices: Apple Silicon, Lenovo Thinkpad X13s, Pinebook Pro. Live ISOs for aarch64 and aarch64-musl should also support other arm64 devices that support UEFI and can run a mainline (standard) kernel. Additionally, this image release includes: Linux 6.12 in live ISOs; Xfce 4.20 in xfce-flavored live ISOs; Linux 6.6.69 in Raspberry Pi PLATFORMFSes and images; xgenfstab, a new script from xtools to simplify generation of /etc/fstab for chroot installs. Official announcement Download Void Linux
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Number Codename Date
20240314 2024-03-14 00:00:00
20250202 2025-02-02 00:00:00

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