Ubuntu MATE 22.10

The usual point release updates to MATE desktop and Ayatana Indicators have been included that fix an assortment on minor bugs. The main change in MATE desktop is to MATE Panel, where we've included an early snapshot release of mate-panel 1.27.0 along with a patch set that adds centre alignment of panel applets. This much requested feature comes from Ubuntu MATE community contributor Gordon N. Squash and allows panel applets to be centre aligned, as well as the usual left and right alignment. I'm sure you'll all join me in thanking Gordon for working on this feature. Centre aligning of applet icons will ship with MATE Desktop 1.28, but we're including it early for Ubuntu MATE users. We've updated MATE Tweak to correctly save/restore custom layouts that use centre aligned applets and all the panel layouts shipped with Ubuntu MATE 22.10 have been updated so they're compatible with center alignment of applets. Official announcement Download Ubuntu MATE
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Number Codename Date
22.10 2022-10-20 00:00:00
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23.10 2023-10-12 00:00:00
24.04 LTS 2024-04-25 00:00:00

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