T2 SDE 24.8

We are excited to introduce T2 24.8, featuring significant updates and enhancements for the 14 most popular CPU and libc/compiler configurations, including ARM(64), HPPA64, IA64, MIPS64, PowerPC(64), RISCV64, SPARC64, i686, and x86-64. This release now includes cross-compiled OpenJDK Java™ by default, optimizing it for a seamless business server experience. With 933 changesets, this update comprises approximately 1442 package updates, 148 fixed issues, 101 new packages or features, 36 removals, and 15 improvements. Notably, the MIPS64 build now offers five architectural Linux kernel variants for specific Sgi and Malta Qemu boards. For detailed information, visit the release page and experience the highly optimized T2/Linux today! Official announcement Download T2 SDE
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Number Codename Date
22.6 Résistance 2022-07-14 00:00:00
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24.6 2024-06-06 00:00:00
24.8 2024-07-30 00:00:00

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