SysLinuxOS 12.2

SysLinuxOS 12.2 has just been released, marking a significant milestone with substantial updates and bug fixes. This release focuses on enhancing user experience by unifying the menu across both Gnome and Mate desktop environments. A slew of new programs has been introduced, complemented by updates to existing ones to ensure they are at their latest versions. Notable additions include Docker, docker-compose, WhatsApp for Linux, Telegram Desktop, htop, and more. The kernel has been upgraded to version 6.5, and efforts have been made to bolster networking tools. SysLinuxOS continues to serve as a versatile operating system suitable for both professional and everyday desktop use. Designed for Linux experts, this release underscores the distro's commitment to providing a robust and up-to-date environment for users with advanced skills in the Linux ecosystem. Official announcement Download SysLinuxOS
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Number Codename Date
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12.3 2024-01-31 00:00:00
12.4 2024-06-19 00:00:00

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