Super Grub2 Disk 2.06s4

This new version is packed with many new features. Added BTRFS support all over Super Grub2 Disk. Operating System specific options: EFI, FreeBSD, FreeDOS, Linux, Mac OS X, MS-DOS, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows Vista (and newer). New Operating Systems: GNU/Hurd, ReactOS and Linux from /boot partition. Debian and Ubuntu secureboot binaries have been updated so that they properly work on updated or recent UEFIs. (Fix) Force to update devices after enabling native disk drivers. Fixed the use of unicode.pf2. grub.cfg files are now searched at EFI partitions. diskpartchainboot.cfg: Fix quoted label. Partition labels. Overall redesign. Refactor unicode font file generation. New Hungarian, Traditional Chinese, Polish and Japanese translations. Official announcement Download Super Grub2 Disk
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Number Codename Date
2.06s4 2024-07-30 00:00:00

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