We are pleased to offer siduction 2022.1.1 as a bug-fix release. It is based on an excerpt of Debian 'Sid' from March 8, 2023. siduction 2022.1 had some problems with the newly introduced snapshot feature when using Btrfs as filesystem, which were difficult to solve, but are now fixed. In addition, siduction 2022.1.1 reflects the changed sources list due to Debian's new policy on handling non-free firmware. Furthermore, besides many package updates, Linux 6.2.2 and KDE Plasma 5.27.2 are shipped. With that out of the way, let's cut to the chase. 'Masters of War' has quite a few new features to offer that we hope you will find exiting enough to try out. But before that, let's get to the basics first. 'Masters of War' uses Linux 6.2.2 as kernel and offers images with KDE Plasma as our main offering, along with LXQt, Xfce, X.Org and noX.
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