Rocky Linux has announced the release of version 8.9, available for x86-64 and aarch64 architectures. The release includes important information in the release notes, covering known bugs and detailed changes. Key highlights include the introduction of java-21-openjdk, Node.js 20, and gcc-toolset-13. The release notes also highlight breaking changes, such as the new publisher name "resf" for Azure images and the removal of the optional guest-agents group in anaconda. The KDE live image for Rocky Linux 8.9 experienced issues, so the 8.8 images will be provided temporarily. AWS AMI images now set the boot-mode parameter to uefi-preferred. The release underwent a week of thorough testing, and users can upgrade from Rocky Linux 8 or migrate from other Enterprise Linux 8 distributions using the migrate2rocky conversion script. The release acknowledges and thanks the contributions of volunteers, sponsors, and partners. More details, including testing logs and the release checklist, are available on the Rocky Linux website.
Official announcement
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