Our Setup Wizard has just gotten a whole lot better, and we offer something for both regular and power users. We have added a signifcant number of containerization options, a new package manager, and even the option to add night shift. You can now select these additional options in the rhino-setup wizard: Nix, the package manager (note: rhino-pkg/rpk does not currently support Nix). Docker, for rapid containerization and development. Podman, a daemon-less, drop-in replacement for Docker. Flatseal, a GUI application for managing permissions on installed Flatpaks. Distrobox, a program that uses Docker or Podman to deploy containers for other distributions on top of Rhino. Apptainer, for developing smaller application containers. VirtualBox, a GUI virtual machine application. QEMU, a free and open source emulation backbone. Redshift, adjust the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings.
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