Rescuezilla 2.4.2

Removes the Intel screen tearing fix introduced in 2.3 which should fix black screens on Intel graphics; introduces Ubuntu 22.10 'Kinetic' for best support of recent hardware, but leaves default build as Ubuntu 22.04 'Jammy'; reintroduces a 32-bit (Intel i386) build, currently based on Ubuntu 18.04 'Bionic' after it was temporarily dropped in Rescuezilla 2.0; note - Partclone backwards compatibility is imperfect and 32-bit release uses an old Ubuntu repository Partclone version, not the latest compiled version; fixes Backup mode's broken SSH port field introduced in 2.4; installs lxappearance, hexdump (bsdmainutils), flashrom; installed packages which improve ability to mount encrypted drives with pcmanfm file manager; replaces out-of-service Travis-CI build bot integration with GitHub Actions for improved quality-control and to assist Rescuezilla contributors.... Official announcement Download Rescuezilla
Other releases
Number Codename Date
2.4 2022-08-07 00:00:00
2.4.1 2022-09-06 00:00:00
2.4.2 2023-03-06 00:00:00
2.5 2024-05-13 00:00:00

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