RebeccaBlackOS 2024-08-12

New in these ISOs since 2023-01-16: Only 64-bit ISOs are made as QtWebEngine refuses to build in 32 bit chroots. Config files in packages built by checkinstall are correctly marked as config files. Files from the build process are all part of packages, and are not ophaned. The number of potential file conflicts with unintalled packages from the tier 1 Debian repo has been vastly reduced. The few that remain are properly handled by dpkg-divert. Linux 6.10 is built, and drm_panic is enabled. The ttynull driver is enabled. Linux is patched directly to use /dev/ttynull as the default console device. This allows systemd to correctly log to /dev/console. The tier 1 packages are now Debian Bookworm. Qt5 is now removed in favor of Qt6. Official announcement Download RebeccaBlackOS
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2024-08-12 2024-08-12 00:00:00

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