Parted Magic 2024_11_03

This version of Parted Magic updates the kernel to Linux 6.11 and adds/updates various programs. WINE has been updated to version 9 with support for 32- and 64-bit programs. I didn't do any extensive testing, but I found an old Autocad 14 CD from the 90s and it did install and run. I also tested a few 64-bit Windows binaries and those also ran. Winetricks was added to help install programs and missing DLL files. I didn't realize how long it's been since Libreoffice was updated, so that got some attention. The clamtk program was saying the definitions were out of date, even though they were not. This was corrected with a clamav update. A forum user suggested Hddsuperclone to be added. Official announcement Download Parted Magic
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Number Codename Date
2024_11_03 2024-11-04 00:00:00

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