Linux From Scratch 12.3

The LFS release includes updates to binutils-2.44 and glibc-2.41. In total, 48 packages were updated since the last release and extensive updates to the text have been made throughout the book to improve readability. The Linux kernel has also been updated to version 6.13.4. Overall there have been over 100 commits to LFS since the previous stable version of the book. Packages that have security updates include: expat, jinja2, Python, openssl, and vim. See a complete description of security updates since the last stable release. In BLFS new packages that were added include: sysmon3/sysmond, zxing-cpp, kdsoap-ws-discovery-client and plasma-activities-stats for kio-extras, docbook-xsl-ns, libgstgtk4 in support of Snapshot, cargo-c needed for librsvg, LuaJIT to replace Lua 5.2 and glslc from shaderc needed for gtk4. Official announcement Download Linux From Scratch
Other releases
Number Codename Date
12.1 2024-03-02 00:00:00
12.2 2024-09-02 00:00:00
12.3 2025-03-05 00:00:00

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