Garuda Linux 230305

The dr460nized edition has in the past relied heavily on Latte-Dock's features. For most of us, it's not news that the development of Latte-Dock has now more or less ceased. This sadly necessitated significant changes, that required replacing Latte-Dock with more standardized Plasma panels. This change takes away somewhat from the dr460nized edition's eye candy appeal factor by losing features like top bar colors/transparency. Usability is also impacted to some degree as it will no longer be possible to drag the top bar to move windows. However, we expect these changes to make the KDE dr460nized edition's desktop experience far more stable, but also different. We feel these new required changes still provide great OOTB visual appeal worthy of being called dr460nized. Since Latte-Dock will inevitably cause instabilities and glitches in the future, we'd highly suggest switching to Plasma panels before it's too late. Official announcement Download Garuda Linux
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