Daphile 22.12

2022-12-17 version 22.12 (x86_64, x86_64-rt and i486) changes: new feature - metadata editor for the CD Ripper; option to change audio device settings without restart; backup and restore for Daphile settings; Now Playing' screen - access via 'Audio Player' tab or nowplaying.html; keyboard and touch controls - arrow keys or swipe up/down for volume and left/right for rewind/forward, space or tab for play/pause; Gracenote support for CD ripping metadata removed due to license expiration; LMS update to 8.3 branch; Linux kernel update to 5.15.83 and 5.15.83-rt54; Perl upgrade to 5.34 version; Daphile built with GCC 11.3; bug fixes and component updates. Official announcement Download Daphile
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