Bicom Systems 7.0 "PBXware"

PBXware version 7 is a culmination of hard work and our constant strive to bring the best product possible to our customers. Although at first glance it might seem like version 7 does not offer a large number of new features, like it was the case with previous new releases, PBXware backend went through a major overhaul. We have updated the base OS and upgraded all core system services PBXware relies on, starting with the most important one - Asterisk 18. In addition, we also implemented support for TLS 1.3, all with the goal of enhancing stability and ensuring security is at the highest level possible. Although our v7 development was so far mostly focused on stability and security, we certainly have no intentions to stop there, as all the backend upgrades are also expanding our ability to bring a number of exciting new features to our customers with the future v7 updates. Official announcement Download Bicom Systems
Other releases
Number Codename Date
6.6.0 PBXware 2022-08-02 00:00:00
6.7.0 PBXware 2023-01-11 00:00:00
7.0 PBXware 2023-10-21 00:00:00
4.6.0 SERVERware 2024-04-03 00:00:00

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