Athena OS 2023.02.20

Hacking roles - added new roles for your hacking activity, Black Hat Omniscient and OSINT Specialist; integrated Hack The Box VIP contents for playing retired machines; HTB Tools now manage the API key, shell prompt and target host according to user preferences; implemented Tool Recipe viewer for having at hands all the productivity commands; implemented OpenAI ChatGPT Desktop client, mainly intended for users that need to understand how the security tool works; implemented browser choice between Firefox and Brave; implemented browser quick access graphical interface to hacking web resources (Hack The Box, TryHackMe, PWNX, Offensive Security) an online tools (evShell generator, GTFOBins, CyberChef, CrackStation) by NightTab; added more security bookmarks; implemented Penetration Testing Kit in browser; implemented PyWhat; implemented a note-taking app choice (CherryTree, Notion App Enhanced, Obsidian) and a utility app choice at installation time.... Official announcement Download Athena OS
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