Archcraft v23.04

Changelog# Updated the ISO with latest packages Enabled single click activation on rofi menu and applets Fixed polybar sound/volume modules not updating issue Replaced picom-ibhagwan-git with official picom, But... There are config files added for few forks of picom. You can install picom-jonaburg-git from AUR, config file is already added in Archcraft. You can install picom-ibhagwan-git from AUR, config file is already added in Archcraft. Whichever picom fork you use, make sure you use the config file added for that, Just rename it to picom.conf For ex: If using picom-jonaburg-git, copy picom-jonaburg.conf to picom.conf You can see which compositor is currently in use in openbox (Preferences > Compositor) Fixed Minor bugs, etc Official announcement Download Archcraft
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